Homework 3

Lindsey Carlson


Homework 3

FIND: \h{2,}

I used the h wildcard with the quantifier {2,} and replaced them all with commas. 
FIND: (\w+), (\w+), (\w+.*)
REPLACE: \2 \1 \(\3\)

I captured with the w wildcard and .* expression to change the order of words and add parenthesizes.
FIND: .mp3 
REPLACE: .mp3 \n

Since each line ends with .mp3, one finds the phrase .mp3 (note there is a space after) and replaces it with just .mp3 and then the n wildcard.
FIND: (\d+)\s(\w.+)(.mp3)
REPLACE: \2_\1\3

I captured the following the d, s, and w wildcards with the .+ quantifier.  I then moved the capture order around and added an underscore.
FIND: (\w)(\w+),(\w+),(\d+.\d+),(\d+)
REPLACE: \1\_\3,\5

I used both the w and d wildcards to capture the first letter of the latin name and the last numeric variable.  From there I deleted some of the text and added an underline.
FIND: (\w)_(\w{4})(\w+),(\d+)
REPLACE: \1_\2,\4

I used the w and d wildcard to capture the first four letters of the latin name.  From there I was able to replace the second word with just the first four letters.
FIND: (\w{3})\w+,(\w{3})\w+,(\d+.\d+),(\d+)
REPLACE: \1\2, \4, \3

I used the w and d wildcard with the {3} quantifier to combine the first three letters of the first and second word. I then used the captures to rearrange the two numerics.  

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